Starry Sky, Harvest Moon
Rancho Los Alamitos
Sunday, October 30
Refreshments available
Free admission and parking
Park at CSULB Lot 11 for shuttle service
(Palo Verde & Redina Sts.)
Enjoy a day of astronomical exploration, storytelling, costume parade, music
and dance as we celebrate Earth’s transitional season of Autumn; a time
when the night sky glows with celestial wonder, animals prepare for
winter and people throughout the world observe the notable occasion of harvest.
- At noon, join the Free to be Me Drum Circle and hail the spirit of the season.- Children come in costume and join the parade at 2:00 p.m.
- Hear stories of Tongva celestial lore told by Craig Torres, Tongva Educator.
- Long Beach’s own Elm Street Band celebrates the Rancho from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Craft celestial lore: Stars with Stories to Tell; Sun, Earth and Moon with Time to Tell.
- Enjoy Creatures of the Night art exhibit presented by St. Joachim School 2nd grade students.
- South Lawn Games presented by BSA Troop 126. (Race through Space: Zoo in the Sky Relay,
Shoot the Moon and Earth’s Run from the Sun)
- Out of This World Games hosted by CSULB Recreation and Leisure Studies students.
- Children and adults join Chef Debbi Dubbs as she demonstrates harvest fare.
- Throughout the gardens experience seasonal crafts and a solar system of fruits and
vegetables sponsored by Melissa’s Produce.